Source code for moca.pipeline.job_processor

"""Job Processor Module
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import warnings
import re
from ..helpers import ConfigurationParser
from ..helpers import run_job
from ..helpers import xstr
from ..helpers import get_cpu_count
from ..helpers.filename import touch

from ..wigoperations import WigReader
import numpy as np

[docs]class Pipeline(ConfigurationParser): """Generic class to run pipelines Parameters ---------- config_file: string Optional file input to load all configurations """ def __init__(self, config_file=None): super(Pipeline, self).__init__(config_file) self.commands_run = list() #TODO This can be removed if config_file is optional if not os.path.isfile(xstr(config_file)): #TODO This should raise a warning and no xception #raise MocaException('Config file {} not found'.format(config_file)) warnings.warn('No configuration file supplied. Defaults will be used.', UserWarning) self.cpu_cores = get_cpu_count() self.meme_default_params = '-dna -mod zoops -nmotifs 5 -minw 6 -maxw 30 -revcomp -nostatus -maxsize 1000000' self.meme_strargs = None self.meme_location = 'meme' self.fimo_default_params = '' self.fimo_strargs = None self.fimo_location = 'fimo' self.shuffler_location = 'fasta-shuffle-letters' self.centrimo_args = None self.centrimo_location = 'centrimo' self.memechip_default_params = '-dna -meme-mod zoops -meme-nmotifs 5 -meme-minw 6 -meme-maxw 30 -meme-maxsize 1000000 -meme-p {}'.format(self.cpu_cores) self.memechip_args = None self.memechip_location = 'meme-chip' self.commands_run = []
[docs] def can_run_meme_parallel(self, cmd): stdout, stderr, exitcode = run_job(cmd=cmd, cwd='/tmp') if '-p <np> given but Parallel MEME not configured.' in stderr: return False return True
[docs] def run_meme(self, fasta_in, out_dir=None, strargs=None): """Run meme Run meme on a given input fasta Parameters --------- strargs: string A concatenated string containing parameters as would be passed to standalone meme Defualt parametes used: '-dna -revcomp -maxsize 1000000 -nmotifs 5 -p 4' To modify: Pipeline.meme_default_params fasta_in: string Location of the fasta file out_dir: string Location to write all meme analysis output Returns ------- meme_out: string Location of meme output """ self.meme_strargs = strargs if not self.meme_strargs: self.meme_strargs = self.meme_default_params meme_binary = self.get_binary_path('meme').strip() if not meme_binary or meme_binary == '': # Use meme from envirnonment meme_binary = 'meme' else: # Use absolute path meme meme_binary += '/meme' self.meme_location = meme_binary if not out_dir: out_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fasta_in), 'meme_out') out_dir = os.path.abspath(out_dir) regex = re.compile(r'-p.*') print('#################'+self.meme_strargs) if self.can_run_meme_parallel('{} -p 2'.format(meme_binary)) and not regex.findall(self.meme_strargs): self.meme_strargs += ' -p {}'.format(self.cpu_cores) cmd = '{} {} -oc {} {}'.format(self.meme_location, self.meme_strargs, out_dir, os.path.abspath(fasta_in)) stdout, stderr, exitcode = run_job(cmd=cmd, cwd=os.path.dirname(out_dir)) output = {'out_dir': out_dir, 'stdout': stdout, 'stderr': stderr, 'exitcode': exitcode, 'cmd': cmd} self.commands_run.append({'cmd': cmd, 'metadata': output}) return output
[docs] def run_fimo(self, motif_file, motif_num, sequence_file, out_dir=None, strargs=None): """Run fimo to find out locations where motif occurs Parameters --------- motif_file: str Path to meme.txt motif_num: int Motif number to investigate sequence_file: str Path to sequence file out_dir: str Location to output fimo results strargs: str string arguments as would be passed to fimo commandline """ #TODO This code is same as in the above fmethod. Make this a separate method? self.fimo_strargs = strargs if not out_dir: out_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(motif_file), 'fimo_out') self.fimo_strargs = xstr(self.fimo_strargs) + ' --motif {} -oc {}'.format(motif_num, os.path.abspath(out_dir)) fimo_binary = self.get_binary_path('meme') if not fimo_binary or fimo_binary == '': # Use meme from envirnonment fimo_binary = 'fimo' else: # Use absolute path meme fimo_binary += '/fimo' self.fimo_location = fimo_binary cmd = '{}{} {} {}'.format(self.fimo_location, self.fimo_strargs, os.path.abspath(motif_file), os.path.abspath(sequence_file)) stdout, stderr, exitcode = run_job(cmd=cmd, cwd=os.path.dirname(out_dir)) output = {'out_dir': out_dir, 'stdout': stdout, 'stderr': stderr, 'exitcode': exitcode, 'cmd': cmd} self.commands_run.append({'cmd': cmd, 'metadata': output}) return output
[docs] def run_fasta_shuffler(self, fasta_in, fasta_out): """Run fasta-dinucleotide-shuffle to generate random fasta""" shuffler_binary = self.get_binary_path('meme') if not shuffler_binary or shuffler_binary == '': # Use meme from envirnonment shuffler_binary = 'fasta-shuffle-letters' else: # Use absolute path meme shuffler_binary += '/fasta-shuffle-letters' self.shuffler_location = shuffler_binary cmd = '{} -kmer 2 -dna {} '.format(self.shuffler_location, os.path.abspath(fasta_in)) stdout, stderr, exitcode = run_job(cmd=cmd, cwd=os.path.dirname(fasta_out)) with open(os.path.abspath(fasta_out), 'w') as f: f.write(stdout) output = {'stdout': stdout, 'stderr': stderr, 'exitcode': exitcode, 'cmd': cmd} return output
[docs] def run_centrimo(self, fasta_in, meme_file, out_dir): """Run centrimo Parameters ---------- fasta_in: string Path to input fasta meme_file: string Path to MEME's motif file out_dir: string Output directory Returns ------- output: dict A dictionary with 'stderr,stdout,cmd,exitcode,out_dir' """ centrimo_binary = self.get_binary_path('meme').strip() if not centrimo_binary or centrimo_binary=='': centrimo_binary = 'centrimo' else: centrimo_binary += '/centrimo' self.centrimo_location = centrimo_binary if not out_dir: out_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fasta_in), os.pardir)), 'centrimo_out') else: out_dir = os.path.abspath(out_dir) cmd = '{} -oc {} {} {}'.format(self.centrimo_location, out_dir, os.path.abspath(fasta_in), os.path.abspath(meme_file)) stdout, stderr, exitcode = run_job(cmd=cmd, cwd=os.path.dirname(out_dir)) output = {'out_dir': out_dir, 'stdout': stdout, 'stderr': stderr, 'exitcode': exitcode, 'cmd': cmd} self.commands_run.append({'cmd': cmd, 'metadata': output}) return output
[docs] def run_memechip(self, fasta_in, out_dir=None, strargs=None): """Run meme-chip Run meme-chip on a given input fasta Parameters --------- strargs: string A concatenated string containing parameters as would be passed to standalone meme Defualt parametes used: '-dna -revcomp -maxsize 1000000 -nmotifs 5 -p 4' To modify: Pipeline.meme_default_params fasta_in: string Location of the fasta file out_dir: string Location to write all meme analysis output Returns ------- output: dict A dictionary with 'stderr,stdout,cmd,exitcode,out_dir' """ self.memechip_strargs = strargs if not self.memechip_strargs: self.memechip_strargs = self.memechip_default_params meme_binary = self.get_binary_path('meme').strip() if not meme_binary or meme_binary == '': # Use meme from envirnonment meme_binary = 'meme-chip' else: # Use absolute path meme meme_binary += '/meme-chip' self.meme_location = meme_binary if not out_dir: out_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fasta_in), 'memechip_out') out_dir = os.path.abspath(out_dir) cmd = '{} {} -oc {} {}'.format(self.meme_location, self.memechip_strargs, out_dir, os.path.abspath(fasta_in)) stdout, stderr, exitcode = run_job(cmd=cmd, cwd=os.path.dirname(out_dir)) output = {'out_dir': out_dir, 'stdout': stdout, 'stderr': stderr, 'exitcode': exitcode, 'cmd': cmd} self.commands_run.append({'cmd': cmd, 'metadata': output}) return output
[docs] def save_conservation_scores(intervals, wig_file, out_directory, out_prefix='phylop'): """Extract and save conservation scores Parameters ---------- intervals: list list of tuple wig_file: string Wig file location out_directory: string Out file directory out_prefix: string Out file prefix """ wig = WigReader(wig_file) conservation_scores = wig.query(intervals) if np.any(conservation_scores): conservation_scores_mean = np.nanmean(conservation_scores, axis=0) np.savetxt(os.path.join(out_directory, '{}.raw.txt'.format(out_prefix)), conservation_scores, fmt='%.4f') np.savetxt(os.path.join(out_directory, '{}.mean.txt'.format(out_prefix)), conservation_scores_mean, fmt='%.4f') else: touch(os.path.join(out_directory, '{}.mean.txt'.format(out_prefix))) touch(os.path.join(out_directory, '{}.raw.txt'.format(out_prefix))) return os.path.join(out_directory, '{}.mean.txt'.format(out_prefix))
@property def get_meme_default_params(self): return self.meme_default_params @property def get_memechip_default_params(self): return self.memechip_default_params @property def get_fimo_default_params(self): return self.fimo_default_params